Things That Are True

Everything can be improved upon except the past

Humans have been using facial recognition for millions of years

All organisms are genetically modified

You are already being tracked

Revenge and justice are different things

Prosecutorial discretion is not “rule of law”

“I’ll know it when I see it” is not “rule of law”

Biology is science

Forecasting is math

Only you know your best interest

Two or more things can be true at once

Sorting on race is racism

Sorting on sex is sexism

Sorting on behavior is equity


All organisms mutate

Achievement requires both capability and resolve

The root cause of root causes is addiction

Being offended is a conscious personal choice

Equality and passing judgment cannot coexist

If the objective is truth, then all evidence is admissible

Your kids are not you or each other

No one wishes they would have panicked

Identifying problems is unskilled labor–solving problems is skilled labor

Biological warfare has existed for centuries

Only violence is violence

Elections have always been interfered with

All cultures are appropriated

Crime pays

Video lies

Technology creates jobs

All slopes are slippery

Everything is based on a true story

Futurists always forecast the middle ages

Ransomware has existed for centuries

Pickups are luxury cars

Narcissism is the foundation for grievance

All media companies are shopping networks

Flagging misinformation is misinformation

Diamonds are waterproof

Being against something is not the same as standing for something

Regulation punishes the good guys, enforcement punishes the bad guys

Skipping math class is not capitalism’s fault

Trade agreements are the opposite of free trade

The common good does not include you

People would rather be wrong than admit they’re wrong

You can’t divide by zero

You can’t bribe a zombie

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